Monday, July 27, 2009

life outside the bubble

These are just in case the last link didn't work. I'm learning I promise:)

We hung out with some friends that we met at Teen Mania, just about 9 years ago, last night. It was amazing. We talked of changes in our lives, how we're different and how life has changed. We shared stories of how we've gotten where we are. It's funny to me how so many people go to Teen Mania and change themselves completely for that year. I became introverted and kept to myself, missing out on some amazing people. Danny was the opposite. And it's very interesting to me knowing that I'm not the only one who did that. These girls were all love and as much as I was slightly nervous about the night, I came away in the same way I thought I would. Can't wait to do it again:)

The biggest thing I'm learning from last night is that life is not about being sheltered. I grew up in small-town Indiana. I don't regret growing up there. I'm not upset that my parents were conservative and kept me safe. I enjoyed where I was and didn't know any differently. The more I grow up though, the more I realize that it's good to know about life beyond yourself. You may not agree with everything that the world is doing or thinking, but it's good to know it. It's better to be able to bring it into a family discussion that's safe instead of hiding it and finding out later. Isn't it better to have a conversation about challenging views and beliefs around you where it's safe and you can talk about responses to it? That's really all I'm realizing. That and the fact that judgment sucks here on earth. I'm not perfect by any means and don't claim to be, but I had a great conversation with a friend this morning about judgment that stemmed from last night. We all judge people b/c we're all human. It's one of those immediate response things that just happens. But it's what you do with it next that makes all the difference. I'm not God, and neither are any of you. There is truth, yes, but who am I to judge people and end a relationship just because of differences. Love. Love is where it's at. There's more to it, ultimately, but that's the beginning. And that beginning can, and should, last quite a while. So like I said, I'm experiencing life outside of the box I grew up in. I liked my box, but I'm excited about how the walls of my box are expanding.

On the job front, we're both looking. I haven't heard from Kohl's or the mother. Kinda stinks but what're you gonna do?! Gotta keep pushing forward and believe that He's got it in His hands. He knows our finances. We're not doing great, I'm not gonna lie. But I believe that we're here b/c of Him and He knows our future. And fortunately I have a husband who believes the same thing and is very supportive. It's tough. Really tough. Day in and day out without work. But you keep moving forward. So there you go peeps. Lots on my mind these days and trying to keep up with it all.

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