Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pictures and an update

I hope that you can all view these pictures. I have my profile set pretty private so let me know if anyone tries and it doesn't work. I don't love posting pics in 2 places but I can attempt it if need be.

This week marks one month since being out of Florida. It's a little strange. It means we've been CA for 3 weeks and in our apartment for 2 weeks. Everything's in our name now and bills are starting to come, which means we're really here:) Knowing that we've been out of FL that long is weird though. Time is flying SO fast that it doesn't feel like we've been gone that long. I miss my friends, our friends. It took about a year to really settle there and then this past year was just amazing with the friendships that were formed. Those are the ones I miss the most. I can't just go hang out at Kelly's pool with her and the kids; can't call Amy and Jess and head to the mall; can't get dinner with Mike & Tara; can't have Ray over to play Maria Party (btw, haven't played since we left Ray); and can't see so many other people on a regular basis that I was used to doing. These people were, and still are, my family. They were the ones I relied on when I needed something, or when something in life was falling apart. I was just reminded today of how many we actually know out here already, which is great because it gives us things to do besides searching for jobs. But it's not the same as having those close relationships. I miss them. I want them back.

I went to Kohl's today and met the head honcho. She's nice and seemed interested, I would just need to learn a new position. I also have been in touch with a woman who has a 9 month old little boy and they need a nanny. I don't think I'll be able to do both but I'm not going to make any decisions until I have to. Kohl's is almost a half hour drive. I have FINALLY completed my application packet for the state of California - fingerprints are nasty expensive by the way. Though I'm doubting I'll teach this year, it's good to have something else in my little bag of tricks to be able to pull out when necessary. I'm on a couple different nanny sites and working on applying to tutor as well. Lots of opportunities but not a lot of responses yet. I've been reminded numerous times though that it's not about my time but His time. He wouldn't call us here and then let us fail immediately. It's a faith walk every single day, but my husband is amazing and reminds me constantly where our trust should be.

Speaking of my husband, we just celebrated our 5 year anniversary on the 10th. When we got married we thought this would be the year of adding a ring or doing something big. Well I guess we did something big, though I wasn't thinking a move. I am amazed that 5 years has gone by so quickly. We have definitely had our ups and downs but I'm so blessed to be with this man. He is constantly changing and growing and learning. When I think of the man I married and the man in front of me today, it's such a blessing. I was reminded of the fragility of marriage the other day. So many fall apart. We all struggle. It's going to be a fight to have a good one. 5 years is a big deal for me, for anyone. I don't know what the years to come are going to bring but I know we've made it through some crazy stuff already so I'm thinking we'll just keep fighting.

Ooooo... I should list the places I've been so far.
1. overlook to see the Hollywood sign
2. Seal Beach
3. Malibu
4. through Hollywood
5. In-N-Out (numerous times:)
6. LAX
7. a premier showing of "Chop, Cut, Rebuild" on the Speed channel thanks to Joffrey
8. The Fashion District downtown (it reminded me of the Flea Market in Shipshe:)
9. The Rose Bowl
I think that's it so far. I have so many places to go yet. If you're from Southern Cali and know of places to visit that are cheap and/or free, please make a list for me. Thanks:)

My posts tend to be random, but there's a lot of stuff going on right now and I'm trying to keep everyone up with all that's going on. I'm thinking about sending another newsletter but don't like the idea of using all those stamps:) I'm hoping everyone's keeping up with the blog, but I'm sure there are people who don't have internet. So watch for a letter sometime in the coming months. Maybe so more specifics.

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