Monday, January 17, 2011

All power and authority

I went to a worship service last week. We really enjoy our church, but there's an aspect of the Holy Spirit missing. The Holy Spirit is how we live this life Christ calls us to. Without the Holy Spirit, we are powerless. Here are some reminders.

Luke 9:1 - 2
We're given authority over demons and the ability to heal sickness. We have the authority. Danny and I have been praying, asking God for direction, wondering about staying or going. Being in this service reminded me that we have authority and we need to stop letting Satan get in our way. He doesn't want us here. He doesn't want us feeling comfortable doing what God has called us to. We haven't felt peace about leaving, we haven't really planned on it, and this was confirmation about why. We're not supposed to. We need to learn how to fight instead. We need to put the Devil on notice in our lives and kick him out of every aspect of it and live in the authority that Christ has given us. We've been praying and praying and praying but we haven't been walking in the power. When we pray, we need to believe we have received what we've asked for and DO IT. It's so easy to get caught up in the praying, in asking people to just pray for help but when do we act on it? We've been living in this so I'm preaching to the choir here. We've been struggling and asking for help when in fact, we need to be fighting. Every day is a battle and we need to acknowledge that and be the soldiers we're called to be. So take the authority He's given you and live in the calling He's put on your life. Don't back down and let the Devil get the best of you. Don't let him keep your spirits low and keep you from praising God.

Mark 4:35-41
Don't be in awe of the storm you're currently in. Be in awe of the one who slept through the storm. The storm is powerful, yes, but there is One who can calm the storm. The disciples woke him up and He rebuked the storm. He took the authority He'd been given and rebuked the wind and the rain. There are storms we're all struggling through. Life is not easy; that's not something God promised. But He did promise that He'd be with us and He'd give us everything we needed. So stop whining and complaining about the storm and start taking the authority that's been given to you, rebuke that storm, and start living. Acknowledge the circumstances in your life but stop letting them rule your life and your decisions.

Paul was converted in Acts. He was called to preach and he traveled around the country. Many times there were people who wanted to stone him. He was stoned at one point and left to die. But time and again, Paul didn't give up. Even when he was imprisoned, he didn't give up. He surrounded himself with disciples, people who believed in the Truth of the Gospel, people who prayed with him and walked in authority with him. Even when Paul was stoned and left to die, he got up and returned to that city. He didn't let circumstances hold him back from doing what God had called him to do. This was the one that really hit me. We've allowed our circumstances to hold us back from doing what we're supposed to be doing. Life is changing and that's fine, but we're still called to be here. We don't have peace about leaving, we haven't been called elsewhere, so we stay and we fight. So we're learning how to fight and how to be soldiers in this place. We need to stop looking for sympathy and start finding our prayer warriors who stand and take authority with us over our circumstances, kicking the Devil back where he belongs, and moving forward into what God has called us to.

"If you love Him, you've got to obey Him."

Be empowered today. Walk in the authority Christ has given you. Put the Devil on notice and take back what he's stolen. He came to steal, kill, and destroy. Christ came to give life, and life abundantly. Who would you rather live for? Who would you rather have in control? I'm walking with the Father, in the Truth and Power of His Word. I hope you choose the same.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about this lately and just felt led to blog about our story with it. So here's to boasting in the Father.

We always tithed. I was a disciplined tither, as was Danny. We got married and it didn't change. We moved to Fl and it didn't change. We moved to LA and something happened.

In the fall of 2009 we were fresh here and unsure about where the money was coming in. We walked in fear instead of trusting God to provide. One Sunday we decided not to tithe. We decided to pay bills instead. After that, we didn't tithe. Only when we felt like we had extra money, or saw it in our checking, did we tithe. It was not often.

This fall I started reading Big God with a friend. We were talking about verses to memorize and she mentioned Malachi 3:10. We talked about tithing and how we hadn't been. I can't describe her exact response, but she loved me and challenged me. I worked on memorizing that verse and we talked. We decided it was time to trust God with our finances again. We had made it through the year and God had provided, but we had been withholding from Him what was His. When He blesses us, it's so that we can bless others and that was not something we had been doing.

The changing point came one Sunday at church. It was the first Sunday we were tithing again. There was not much in checking that week. We knew there was more coming but we didn't know when and the bills were more than what was coming in. We talked about giving some of our tithe, but not the whole 10%. At church we struggled, sat and cried, and finally gave in to what God was asking. We rewrote the check for the full amount. Literally, the next day we were blessed with a financial gift that was enough to cover two of our biggest bills, due within days. We were completely provided for, beyond our imaginations.

That was in October. Since then, I can look back and am amazed at the way God has kept His promise. Tithing is the one thing that we're allowed to test God with, and we've done just that. And He's done His part. There has been extra work, extra provision, just extra. The numbers don't line up on paper. It's not logical. The amount we've been able to tithe is beautiful and exciting. The things we've been able to do with the extra have been blessed.

I know tithing is hard when there's not much coming in. For us, it was about remembering that God's word is true. You are a child of the King who rules the Earth. He's good. Why would He not want you to be able to pay your bills? Trust Him, and watch Him take care of you like you never imagined.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Part of the problem

I'm part of the problem. I didn't want to recognize it. It's not pretty. It makes my insides pretty darn ugly actually. But I have some sense of clarity, something to work on. It may not change our circumstances, it may not change the world, but it'll change me. Yuck. It won't be easy, I can see that already. I don't like that I have to work on it. It's humbling. And again, it's yucky. I need help. So I'm seeking that out. It'll be a good road, a good journey, though it may not be fun. Here goes everything.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nothing new, and yet, wanting more

Christmas and New Year's have come and gone. I was able to go to Indiana for a week, meet the nephews, and hang out with people I haven't seen in years.

Being home makes you think about being close to family. Things are not what they used to be, which is good and bad. People change, though apparently not everyone wants to. I've realized I'm strange for wanting to change. I've also realized it's partly circumstantial. But I'm also a firm believer in change and growth. If I stay the same person I've always been, how is Christ at work within me?

Back to Indiana and people. The twins were great. There was definitely talk about having our own and wanting to be closer to family. Always happens when you're around family. There are 16 nieces and nephews now when you combine the 2 sides. That's a lot of cousins, if only we were having one of our own.

The questions all returned: is it time to move, are we running from a hard situation or acknowledging it's not working, do we keep pushing when it doesn't feel like there's anything to push for? It was funny being around all these mom's and listening to them talk about their experiences. We have never wanted to use the government to have kids, though we're kind of the reason they're there. We have jobs, they just don't provide enough. The question then becomes, should we be having them in the first place? I like to talk myself in circles; one of my fun qualities.

I also realized that we haven't been anywhere for more than 2.5 years since getting married. I mean, we move apartments every 12 months or less, but we move states every couple years. I'm not sure I know how to settle down anymore, and that's something else I feel like is on the list of things "needed" to have a family. I know the list in my head isn't all necessary. They're more things that I want and desire, things that would be really nice to have. Then I think about our age, and I know we're not old by any means, but things change as you gain years and babies are harder. Oy. Babies. I'd like my own. So what does that look like?

More than anything, this all brings me right back to my knees. After reading Big God I've been so challenged and prayer is part of that. I want prayer and worship, I need it in my life. I need it in a way that's outside of my comfort zone. I need God more than anything. That's the honest truth. I can talk myself in circles; I generally do talk myself in circles. He is the only one who provides strength, wisdom, love, and direction. So I will pray. I will wait. And I will trust that His plans are always best.

"Safe?" said Mr. Beaver."Who said anything about safe? 'Course he isn't safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you."
C.S. Lewis (The Chronicles of Narnia)