Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We finally got into Los Angeles on June 29th. We drove into the area around 7 or 8pm so it was still light outside. There were so many emotions to experience driving in. I’ve been in Cali before for a friends wedding but it was up north around Sacramento and San Francisco. This was completely different. Danny and I know that we’re called here. We know we’re supposed to be here. There’s no question in either of our minds. But driving in… that was enough to make both us think twice. Smog. Cars everywhere. Knowing this was going to be our new home, especially after leaving Colorado and all that we had just experienced there, was difficult. Overwhelming is really a better word for it. There was so much to take in.

We went straight to Kurt and Penny’s and then straight to Joff’s to unload the trailer. Kurt and Penny were amazing in allowing us to crash on their floor with a dog that they were unaware of. Sorry Penny! But it all worked out. Tuesday we spent the day apartment hunting and getting to know the area a little bit. This is when it hit Danny and I the most I think. The realization of what we were really doing, what we’d left behind, and how big this move really was in our lives. We were emotionally exhausted Tuesday night. There was so much to take in at one time, so much to think about and make decisions about, my brain was on overload and just needed a break. That didn’t feel like an option though really so we just kept pushing forward. Luckily the more we drove around and searched for an apartment, the more we got to know the area, and the more realistic it started becoming. We had to have the conversation and making sure we really were where we were supposed to be because of all the emotions. It would have been SO easy to turn right back around and return to Colorado. But we know. And so we stayed.

We found our apartment July 5th and put in our application on the 6th. The rest of that Monday was probably one of the longest days of our lives. We didn’t really have any reason to think we would be rejected, but after looking for that long without any other really good leads was nerve-racking. We spent the day downtown Burbank just people watching and then spent the evening in Glendale. Tuesday morning when our landlord called to say we had been accepted I literally jumped for joy☺. We got everyone together, put our deposit down, and started the moving process immediately.

Lisa, Danny, and I all got our stuff moved in Tuesday and slept in our new place. We got Joffrey moved in Wednesday and then just worked on settling everything and getting out of boxes. It’s taken all week to do but I think we’re finally ready to just live. We’re in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. Joffrey and Lisa are both classmates of Danny’s from Full Sail. We’re very glad to be sharing the place with them both. Our rent is less than what it was in Florida because of sharing space which will be very helpful in the coming months.

1 comment:

  1. Danny and Rochelle,
    Glad we could help in some way. Its exciting to be part of the adventure God has you on! See you soon.

    Kurt and Penny


Thanks for taking the time to read!