Friday, June 3, 2011


Alicia and Wes (Danny's little sister and her husband) came out and surprised Danny on Wednesday. They're leaving tomorrow morning and I'm sad for their time here to be done so quickly. Our days have been incredibly full and we're taking some time off this morning before going to visit Disney and get a tour from a friend. It's been such a blessing to have them here, to explore the city with them, and to simply spend time together. Having your family come to you when there are states in between is a blessing that cannot be explained.

Quick recap of events because we have done more with them than any other people who have visited I think, or we've just done new things.

  • lunch at In N' Out
  • Venice Beach
  • Santa Monica Pier
  • 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica
  • Drive up Benedict Canyon to see the estates
  • Drive down Rodeo to see the Bugatti
  • Tar Pits
  • The Grove - Mario Lopez taping for E!
  • Pink's Hot Dog stand
  • Hollywood Blvd - Walk of Fame, Grauman's Chinese Theatre
  • Mulholland Drive
  • Octopus Japanese Restaurant (sushi)
  • Griffith Park Observatory - my favorite place in LA, even after 2 years
  • neighbors
  • on the list - Disney tour, down time, and Blue Dog restaurant for dinner
Then it's back to LAX for a super early flight in the morning so they can be home with their kiddo's for the evening. They will be missed. It's times like this that definitely make me think about being close to family and what having kids for us will look like here, so far from those we're related to by blood. And then I come back to the truth that my God is sovereign and has amazing plans and perfect timing. Oh how He loves us. We are blessed.