Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This trip

In Colorado I was so blessed to find Heidi and spend Saturday morning with her over breakfast. We went to high school and church together for a while. After that we went our separate ways but Facebook brought us back together. I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t really know what to expect when catching up with her. You never really do. People change over the years. You need to change. It’s just a matter of whether the friendship will last the changes. Catching up with Heidi was great though. I had nothing to worry about. I love that our hearts beat the same in so many ways and that God made it possible to catch up on this journey. I can’t wait to see you again Heidi and I’m so glad you are where you are, doing what you’re doing.

In the past few days I’ve been able to catch up with another friend from high school days. Again, we’ve gone our different ways and had very different experiences, but Libby is the same as ever. We’re so relational and our personalities blend so well together. I think it’s been interesting for Danny to watch b/c being around Libby brings out some of who I was in high school, more than Danny has every really been around. I think it’s just been different for him to watch. We didn’t know each other in high school. But I am loving having Libby around while she visits her sister out here. We’ve realized how much we have to catch up on over the years but I’m excited that we still have a friendship after so many years apart. I’m truly blessed.

We were without Internet for about a week since we left Kurt and Penny’s Tuesday morning. It was good to not have it and be attached to the world constantly. Definitely made me realize that I don’t need it as much as I like to think I do. At the same time, I’ve realized how much I do need it to find work. There’s a lot of finger work I can do online that will save me from driving and sometimes even calling. It was hard not having a place to live because it felt like we couldn’t move forward from there. We couldn’t look for work b/c we didn’t know we’d be living and we were just stuck. It was so frustrating at times but you can only do one thing at a time. So now that we have a place, and a refrigerator, the only thing left is to find work. We have spent quite a bit of money along this journey. I realized that as I entered our many receipts. That’s why we sent out the “support” letter asking for help and letting everyone know our hearts behind this move. I know that God will supply – He already has in so many ways. But we can’t do it alone and I’m so thankful for the many prayers that are being offered on our behalf. Our future is not possible without those.

So from here, Danny and I need to work on saving some money somehow and buying a new mattress. We sold ours in Florida b/c it would’ve been too big for the trip and was 5 years old. We’re ready for a queen size. Until that time we’re sleeping on our air mattress. Luckily we found a queen bed frame so at least we’re off the floor now☺. The other big thing from here on out is finding work. Danny is a visionary and has a lot of ideas about things he can do to make money out here. He’ll probably apply to some stores in the area to have some regular income. The movie market is slow right now but is supposed to pick up again in the fall. He also has a good handful of contacts he needs to get in touch with. It’s all a process. I have a few options as well that I’m going to be looking into. So if you pray, we would appreciate them on our behalf.

It’s amazing to me that we’ve been in LA for 2 weeks already. It’s flown by, which tells me that life here goes fast. We’ve been to the ocean twice, saw the Hollywood sign, and drove through Universal. Danny met one of the main characters from It’s always Sunny today. He’s constantly saying you only live once so we need to not let opportunities pass us by. I like how he’s taking life by the horns and holding on for all it’s worth! We celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Friday night with friends. I’m amazed that 5 years has gone as fast as it has. Time has flown by. I’m so blessed by the things God has taken us through, what we’ve learned together, and how we’ve grown together. I can’t wait to see what the next 5 years entails.

So as much as we miss you all, every single last one of you from Indiana, to Florida, to Connecticut, to Colorado, to wherever else you may be around the country and the world, we’re excited for where we are and what God has up His sleeve. We love you and pray that you would take life by the horns every single day. You only live once so make it the best life ever.

PS – our new address is below. Phone numbers will remain the same for now.
420 W. Windsor Rd. #15
Glendale, CA 91204

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