Monday, July 27, 2009

life outside the bubble

These are just in case the last link didn't work. I'm learning I promise:)

We hung out with some friends that we met at Teen Mania, just about 9 years ago, last night. It was amazing. We talked of changes in our lives, how we're different and how life has changed. We shared stories of how we've gotten where we are. It's funny to me how so many people go to Teen Mania and change themselves completely for that year. I became introverted and kept to myself, missing out on some amazing people. Danny was the opposite. And it's very interesting to me knowing that I'm not the only one who did that. These girls were all love and as much as I was slightly nervous about the night, I came away in the same way I thought I would. Can't wait to do it again:)

The biggest thing I'm learning from last night is that life is not about being sheltered. I grew up in small-town Indiana. I don't regret growing up there. I'm not upset that my parents were conservative and kept me safe. I enjoyed where I was and didn't know any differently. The more I grow up though, the more I realize that it's good to know about life beyond yourself. You may not agree with everything that the world is doing or thinking, but it's good to know it. It's better to be able to bring it into a family discussion that's safe instead of hiding it and finding out later. Isn't it better to have a conversation about challenging views and beliefs around you where it's safe and you can talk about responses to it? That's really all I'm realizing. That and the fact that judgment sucks here on earth. I'm not perfect by any means and don't claim to be, but I had a great conversation with a friend this morning about judgment that stemmed from last night. We all judge people b/c we're all human. It's one of those immediate response things that just happens. But it's what you do with it next that makes all the difference. I'm not God, and neither are any of you. There is truth, yes, but who am I to judge people and end a relationship just because of differences. Love. Love is where it's at. There's more to it, ultimately, but that's the beginning. And that beginning can, and should, last quite a while. So like I said, I'm experiencing life outside of the box I grew up in. I liked my box, but I'm excited about how the walls of my box are expanding.

On the job front, we're both looking. I haven't heard from Kohl's or the mother. Kinda stinks but what're you gonna do?! Gotta keep pushing forward and believe that He's got it in His hands. He knows our finances. We're not doing great, I'm not gonna lie. But I believe that we're here b/c of Him and He knows our future. And fortunately I have a husband who believes the same thing and is very supportive. It's tough. Really tough. Day in and day out without work. But you keep moving forward. So there you go peeps. Lots on my mind these days and trying to keep up with it all.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pictures and an update

I hope that you can all view these pictures. I have my profile set pretty private so let me know if anyone tries and it doesn't work. I don't love posting pics in 2 places but I can attempt it if need be.

This week marks one month since being out of Florida. It's a little strange. It means we've been CA for 3 weeks and in our apartment for 2 weeks. Everything's in our name now and bills are starting to come, which means we're really here:) Knowing that we've been out of FL that long is weird though. Time is flying SO fast that it doesn't feel like we've been gone that long. I miss my friends, our friends. It took about a year to really settle there and then this past year was just amazing with the friendships that were formed. Those are the ones I miss the most. I can't just go hang out at Kelly's pool with her and the kids; can't call Amy and Jess and head to the mall; can't get dinner with Mike & Tara; can't have Ray over to play Maria Party (btw, haven't played since we left Ray); and can't see so many other people on a regular basis that I was used to doing. These people were, and still are, my family. They were the ones I relied on when I needed something, or when something in life was falling apart. I was just reminded today of how many we actually know out here already, which is great because it gives us things to do besides searching for jobs. But it's not the same as having those close relationships. I miss them. I want them back.

I went to Kohl's today and met the head honcho. She's nice and seemed interested, I would just need to learn a new position. I also have been in touch with a woman who has a 9 month old little boy and they need a nanny. I don't think I'll be able to do both but I'm not going to make any decisions until I have to. Kohl's is almost a half hour drive. I have FINALLY completed my application packet for the state of California - fingerprints are nasty expensive by the way. Though I'm doubting I'll teach this year, it's good to have something else in my little bag of tricks to be able to pull out when necessary. I'm on a couple different nanny sites and working on applying to tutor as well. Lots of opportunities but not a lot of responses yet. I've been reminded numerous times though that it's not about my time but His time. He wouldn't call us here and then let us fail immediately. It's a faith walk every single day, but my husband is amazing and reminds me constantly where our trust should be.

Speaking of my husband, we just celebrated our 5 year anniversary on the 10th. When we got married we thought this would be the year of adding a ring or doing something big. Well I guess we did something big, though I wasn't thinking a move. I am amazed that 5 years has gone by so quickly. We have definitely had our ups and downs but I'm so blessed to be with this man. He is constantly changing and growing and learning. When I think of the man I married and the man in front of me today, it's such a blessing. I was reminded of the fragility of marriage the other day. So many fall apart. We all struggle. It's going to be a fight to have a good one. 5 years is a big deal for me, for anyone. I don't know what the years to come are going to bring but I know we've made it through some crazy stuff already so I'm thinking we'll just keep fighting.

Ooooo... I should list the places I've been so far.
1. overlook to see the Hollywood sign
2. Seal Beach
3. Malibu
4. through Hollywood
5. In-N-Out (numerous times:)
6. LAX
7. a premier showing of "Chop, Cut, Rebuild" on the Speed channel thanks to Joffrey
8. The Fashion District downtown (it reminded me of the Flea Market in Shipshe:)
9. The Rose Bowl
I think that's it so far. I have so many places to go yet. If you're from Southern Cali and know of places to visit that are cheap and/or free, please make a list for me. Thanks:)

My posts tend to be random, but there's a lot of stuff going on right now and I'm trying to keep everyone up with all that's going on. I'm thinking about sending another newsletter but don't like the idea of using all those stamps:) I'm hoping everyone's keeping up with the blog, but I'm sure there are people who don't have internet. So watch for a letter sometime in the coming months. Maybe so more specifics.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The other video is on facebook

If you go here then you should be able to watch the other video.

Our bedroom

This is just our bedroom. The other video is too big apparently. Be watching for it though.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This trip

In Colorado I was so blessed to find Heidi and spend Saturday morning with her over breakfast. We went to high school and church together for a while. After that we went our separate ways but Facebook brought us back together. I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t really know what to expect when catching up with her. You never really do. People change over the years. You need to change. It’s just a matter of whether the friendship will last the changes. Catching up with Heidi was great though. I had nothing to worry about. I love that our hearts beat the same in so many ways and that God made it possible to catch up on this journey. I can’t wait to see you again Heidi and I’m so glad you are where you are, doing what you’re doing.

In the past few days I’ve been able to catch up with another friend from high school days. Again, we’ve gone our different ways and had very different experiences, but Libby is the same as ever. We’re so relational and our personalities blend so well together. I think it’s been interesting for Danny to watch b/c being around Libby brings out some of who I was in high school, more than Danny has every really been around. I think it’s just been different for him to watch. We didn’t know each other in high school. But I am loving having Libby around while she visits her sister out here. We’ve realized how much we have to catch up on over the years but I’m excited that we still have a friendship after so many years apart. I’m truly blessed.

We were without Internet for about a week since we left Kurt and Penny’s Tuesday morning. It was good to not have it and be attached to the world constantly. Definitely made me realize that I don’t need it as much as I like to think I do. At the same time, I’ve realized how much I do need it to find work. There’s a lot of finger work I can do online that will save me from driving and sometimes even calling. It was hard not having a place to live because it felt like we couldn’t move forward from there. We couldn’t look for work b/c we didn’t know we’d be living and we were just stuck. It was so frustrating at times but you can only do one thing at a time. So now that we have a place, and a refrigerator, the only thing left is to find work. We have spent quite a bit of money along this journey. I realized that as I entered our many receipts. That’s why we sent out the “support” letter asking for help and letting everyone know our hearts behind this move. I know that God will supply – He already has in so many ways. But we can’t do it alone and I’m so thankful for the many prayers that are being offered on our behalf. Our future is not possible without those.

So from here, Danny and I need to work on saving some money somehow and buying a new mattress. We sold ours in Florida b/c it would’ve been too big for the trip and was 5 years old. We’re ready for a queen size. Until that time we’re sleeping on our air mattress. Luckily we found a queen bed frame so at least we’re off the floor now☺. The other big thing from here on out is finding work. Danny is a visionary and has a lot of ideas about things he can do to make money out here. He’ll probably apply to some stores in the area to have some regular income. The movie market is slow right now but is supposed to pick up again in the fall. He also has a good handful of contacts he needs to get in touch with. It’s all a process. I have a few options as well that I’m going to be looking into. So if you pray, we would appreciate them on our behalf.

It’s amazing to me that we’ve been in LA for 2 weeks already. It’s flown by, which tells me that life here goes fast. We’ve been to the ocean twice, saw the Hollywood sign, and drove through Universal. Danny met one of the main characters from It’s always Sunny today. He’s constantly saying you only live once so we need to not let opportunities pass us by. I like how he’s taking life by the horns and holding on for all it’s worth! We celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Friday night with friends. I’m amazed that 5 years has gone as fast as it has. Time has flown by. I’m so blessed by the things God has taken us through, what we’ve learned together, and how we’ve grown together. I can’t wait to see what the next 5 years entails.

So as much as we miss you all, every single last one of you from Indiana, to Florida, to Connecticut, to Colorado, to wherever else you may be around the country and the world, we’re excited for where we are and what God has up His sleeve. We love you and pray that you would take life by the horns every single day. You only live once so make it the best life ever.

PS – our new address is below. Phone numbers will remain the same for now.
420 W. Windsor Rd. #15
Glendale, CA 91204


We finally got into Los Angeles on June 29th. We drove into the area around 7 or 8pm so it was still light outside. There were so many emotions to experience driving in. I’ve been in Cali before for a friends wedding but it was up north around Sacramento and San Francisco. This was completely different. Danny and I know that we’re called here. We know we’re supposed to be here. There’s no question in either of our minds. But driving in… that was enough to make both us think twice. Smog. Cars everywhere. Knowing this was going to be our new home, especially after leaving Colorado and all that we had just experienced there, was difficult. Overwhelming is really a better word for it. There was so much to take in.

We went straight to Kurt and Penny’s and then straight to Joff’s to unload the trailer. Kurt and Penny were amazing in allowing us to crash on their floor with a dog that they were unaware of. Sorry Penny! But it all worked out. Tuesday we spent the day apartment hunting and getting to know the area a little bit. This is when it hit Danny and I the most I think. The realization of what we were really doing, what we’d left behind, and how big this move really was in our lives. We were emotionally exhausted Tuesday night. There was so much to take in at one time, so much to think about and make decisions about, my brain was on overload and just needed a break. That didn’t feel like an option though really so we just kept pushing forward. Luckily the more we drove around and searched for an apartment, the more we got to know the area, and the more realistic it started becoming. We had to have the conversation and making sure we really were where we were supposed to be because of all the emotions. It would have been SO easy to turn right back around and return to Colorado. But we know. And so we stayed.

We found our apartment July 5th and put in our application on the 6th. The rest of that Monday was probably one of the longest days of our lives. We didn’t really have any reason to think we would be rejected, but after looking for that long without any other really good leads was nerve-racking. We spent the day downtown Burbank just people watching and then spent the evening in Glendale. Tuesday morning when our landlord called to say we had been accepted I literally jumped for joy☺. We got everyone together, put our deposit down, and started the moving process immediately.

Lisa, Danny, and I all got our stuff moved in Tuesday and slept in our new place. We got Joffrey moved in Wednesday and then just worked on settling everything and getting out of boxes. It’s taken all week to do but I think we’re finally ready to just live. We’re in a 3 bedroom, 2 bath apartment. Joffrey and Lisa are both classmates of Danny’s from Full Sail. We’re very glad to be sharing the place with them both. Our rent is less than what it was in Florida because of sharing space which will be very helpful in the coming months.

The Wedding

From the 24th until the 28th we spent time with some amazing people in Colorado celebrating the union of two wonderful friends. We slept at Scott’s house and were so blessed by his generosity, along with his housemates. Thank you so much guys! Cooper was a hit from the beginning and loved by all. We spent so much just hanging out, spending time together, catching up from years of not being together. We hadn’t seen Josh since our wedding basically and then seeing Jeremy and Mike was another great blessing.

Josh and Chelsea are a beautiful couple who fit together so well. God has truly blessed their union and blessed them with amazing family. We had heard so much about all these people that we met but never met them. They exceeded any expectations we had. Getting to know Chelsea and the wonderful women she calls friends was such a blessing for me. We gelled immediately. I cannot describe the feeling of acceptance and love that I felt from these women. Ladies, thank you so much for making me feel a part of your friendship and welcoming me in.

While Danny bonded with the boys I got to help Chelsea make candy apples for their wedding favors. We literally spent all day, about 12 hours, completing this project. It made for some great memories and a great way to get to know Chelsea and her family and friends before the big day.

The rehearsal dinner was beautiful. Josh and Chelsea had wonderful words of appreciation and love for all involved. The most beautiful part for me was when Chelsea’s dad affirmed Joshua as a man in front of all of us. There are many reasons why that was incredibly special and an honor to be a part of.

Chelsea’s family is amazing and blessed Danny and I by inviting us for to brunch Sunday morning before we took off. Her parents especially are just incredible. They took us under their wings and just let loved on us while we were in their presence. Tammy and Bruce, thank you again for your amazing hospitality and generosity. Your lives are an amazing witness.

The End

From Colorado we went straight south, and then straight west. It took a while for me to think that New Mexico and Arizona were beautiful. Part of it was just me being ready for our trip to be over and seeing the same thing. Part of it was also the fact that we were driving through the desert. I had to laugh. My kids did a project on different regions of our country this year and one group did the desert. The way they decorated their landscape was just not what I thought of as desert, but I’d never really been to a desert. Being in the area, I had to admit that what they put on their project was exactly what I was looking at. The red rock is really quite pretty, just completely different than what I expected it to be like.

Driving through that region was also hard because there were many more hills and mountains than I anticipated. Coming out of Denver we could have gone across the mountains through Utah. We didn’t think those steep grades would be a good idea with our car though so we missed out on some great areas of the country. We thought that going south we would miss the mountainous areas. That wasn’t exactly how it worked though. It was actually worse than Colorado in certain areas. There were times when we were only driving about 25 mph going uphill. It definitely took us longer but it all worked out in the end. There were definitely times of frustration while climbing when we just had to keep positive attitudes and not push the car harder than we already were.

Upon crossing the California state line you have to stop. It’s like crossing the border in from Mexico sort of. We were asked if we had any food and the guy checked our trailer and let us go. I’m very glad Joffrey warned us about that ahead of time. Then we paid for our first tank of gas and realized we were officially in California!

The Beginning

We left Florida on June 22 and got to Colorado on the 24th in time to have dinner with the gang. The drive there was pretty uneventful, which we were happy about. It took us getting out of Florida to really understand how to drive our little Honda Civic (4 cylinder) while pulling a trailer. Who knew that north Florida, in the panhandle, was so hilly?! Even going up the coast we definitely had some times of revving the engine up around 4000. Our transmission got a major workout. As soon as we got into Colorado it was an immediate climb. We definitely had a few miles of driving about 40 miles an hour while climbing. It was rough, especially when most other cars are flying by at the speed limit. It was even harder when trucks passed us. Yuck!

One of the great parts of this drive was passing through East Texas. This is where Danny and I met 9 years ago and where God started us on the journey that took us across this amazing country. We contemplated stopping at Teen Mania, but we really wanted to just get to our destination. It definitely brought back memories though. Especially ones of my dear friend Heather Kircher; driving her station wagon through those hills and worshipping together. Truly though, the best part of that drive was simply seeing the differences in the landscape of our country. America is quite large and completely diverse. Just going through the green south, through the hills of Texas, and then the rolling plains of the Midwest was beautiful. We were able to watch a few thunderstorms driving through Kansas that apparently were occurring in Nebraska. Being able to see for miles upon miles is something easily taken for granted. It was amazing to think about the differences and yet know that God created every single parcel of land. Our country is truly beautiful; and we hadn’t even gotten to the really good part yet!

Getting into the Denver area was pretty incredible. I’m going to run out of adjectives to describe our country pretty soon. Danny and I were there for a weekend while doing our internship with Teen Mania. I don’t remember driving in though. There was so much unoccupied land! I guess it would be considered ranch land; very hilly and not much vegetation. You really couldn’t grow things there but it was so different to see that much land fenced in, and yet with nothing on it. Staying in the area and having mountains in view every morning was a great perk. I really like Colorado and would love for God to move us there once our time in LA is done.