Blogs, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit - I stalk all of them (except Facebook - ewwwwww). Once in a while I try to actually engage and leave comments or post, but that's not the norm.
I think that I stalk because I love a good story, a good encouraging quote or meme that reminds me that I'm not alone in thinking that this world is really a pretty great place. More than anything, stories remind me that the people we live with day in and day out are just as real as I am. Stories help me to connect with people, whether they realize I'm trying to connect with them or not. When I meet new people I love hearing about their lives. I love keeping in touch with old friends and hearing how the Lord has directed their journey. Stories are really important to me because they provide me with greater understanding.
The downside of stalking on social media and hearing stories is when I start comparing their accomplishments to my life. There are many, many people who have done a lot more than I have in less time. Most days it's fine because it's really interesting to hear the dreams God gives and watch them unfold, or to hear how they fill their days and live intentionally. There are other days when I begin to question myself and wonder, am I really measuring up? Am I really doing everything that I'm supposed to be doing? Am I dreaming as big as God is dreaming and allowing Him to work in my life to the fullest extent? Am I challenging myself to be everything that I can possibly be? These are not fun questions to ask because I don't always come up with the answers I want, or any answers at all.
This week I've started looking for a new job and these questions are also part of that journey. I recognize that there are many other people applying for the same jobs that I'm applying for and hoping for the same outcome. I also recognize that I'm not climbing the corporate ladder as fast as some of my colleagues and I have no idea how to go faster. There's also that little nagging concern about how high the ladder goes, and how high I really want to climb.
What I've been thankful for is that right now it's pretty easy to remind myself that I am enough. God only made one of me and I'm pretty sure He's quite happy with the person I am. I know that I am unique and that's all He's ever wanted for me. I'm writing these thoughts so I don't forget them, just in case the perfect job doesn't fall into my lap as soon as I'd like. It's my reminder that every story is unique, including mine.
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