Tuesday, April 28, 2009

a break down

It's been a big week. Or so it feels.

We are selling about half of our furniture and getting rid of it on Thursday. That means our couch, computer desk, desk chair, and 3 bookshelves. We're losing a lot of seating basically. We're thinking about buying pillows to sit on the floor in order to be more comfortable. It's interesting "losing" things and getting really into the simplicity of life.

I told all my students on Monday about the move. The 3rd graders are the ones who have taken it the worst, and some of the 4th graders. Most of them were just more excited about the fact that I'll be seeing celebrities on a regular basis. I found that amusing. One of my little guys though, it hit him hard. The other teacher leaving and I had a talk with him today. He gave us both letters and money. We of course gave the money back and he was just really upset. He wanted to help Danny and I buy plane tickets so that we wouldn't have to drive all the way there! So precious. It was rough with him.

I am realizing more and more how short our time is here. I just talked to my mom tonight about coming down and it would be in 2 weeks. Then a couple more weeks and it's Memorial Day and a couple more weeks and we're gone. Gone. It's so ridiculous (that's one of my words:). I'm somewhat in denial that it's happening that fast. But then I look around me and see how part of our house is leaving in 2 days and things are getting boxed up and thrown out. That definitely helps me understand that it's actually happening. It's going to be a very sad day in June when I leave the school for good. Tara and I realized today again though how close we'll be; literally right next to each other (state-wise at least). We're both glad that we're making this trip West semi-together.

Danny just realized he won't have anything to lean up against after Thursday when playing video games. We already talked about how we need to downsize more because of the small U-haul we're getting and then how we're only going to have a bedroom to ourselves. Wow. It's going to be so different. Hopefully it'll be as money-saving as we're hoping it will be.

Above all, my peace is found in the Lord. He reminded me today of the way that He is able to work things out, even when I'm so upset about a situation. He has a way of diffusing things if we allow Him to. He's so good to us. I hope that you know that.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet what your student did. Telling students your leaving is never easy! :(


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