Thursday, December 31, 2009

Moving Forward

I've been thinking a lot about home as the holidays have been upon us. Home is a lot of different places these days. I've also been thinking about people and how much I miss the ones I love. I know I've said this before. Along with these thoughts of missing people though I've also been missing teaching. I've come to realize that all these things I'm missing are things that have made my life very comfortable in the past. I miss the things that have made life easy. Not that I didn't needed to rely on the Lord during these seasons of being surrounded by loved ones and a job that I was enjoying, but I was comfortable. We were both comfortable. Life was easy, and we really didn't know how easy it was.

I was listening to a song the other day called "Moving Forward" by Ricardo Sanchez. As comfortable as I was, I am the opposite here. I am currently in a job that I'm really excited about, but it's not teaching. Teaching brought a lot of stability that I wasn't aware of (probably part of the reason I wanted to do and knew I was supposed to be doing it) until I got out of it. This song reminded me though that it's not about staying where I'm at or looking back but continuing to move forward. If I stay in the same place how will I continue to grow? If I don't let go how will I experience what new things He has for me/us here? I won't. It's a struggle as I definitely don't want to leave behind what He has done in the past and the people and relationships He's built, but I have to remember to keep moving forward and push ahead to what He has in store next. It's a journey and as much as I loved the last destination and all that it held, it's time to move forward.

Happy New Year friends. Move into 2010 with great expectations of all that He's going to do in the coming months.

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